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•   Marilyn K. Detwiler (Goeman)  7/31
•   Norman L. Sheets  8/6
•   Aloma J. Rhea (Decker)  8/12
•   Beverly J. Barber (Germany)  8/19
•   Cheri R. Frans (Wray)  8/19
•   Sharyl J. Johnson (Miller)  8/25


•   Carol Strickland (Hamaker)  7/25
•   Ronald W. Grout  4/6
•   Cheri R. Frans (Wray)  11/7
•   Kenneth 'Duane' Embers, Jr  9/21
•   Richard L. Patton  9/13
•   Ardis N. Swanson (Fry)  9/8
•   Clair Schultis  8/25
•   Mark K. Swanson  7/4
•   Patricia “Jo An” Bell (Loren)  5/20
•   James Q. Schoen  3/10
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Percentage of Joined Classmates: 82.8%

A:   77   Joined
B:   16   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)

McPherson High School
Class Of 1961

Ronald Elmo Krause

2 May 1943   -   8 July 2024

Obituary is posted In Memory 

Eugene Lee Nelson  (Teacher)

March 1927  -   8 June 2024

Obituary is posted In Memory

MHS 60 Teachers are posted in Message Form at their web site.

NOTE: Message Forum Teachers are reposted in *Grade Schools for better viewing but less information

Country School teachers are in * Grade Schools

All principals during our grade school years were unmarried women.

For MHS 60 the last teacher to pass away was 2009

For MHS 61 the last teacher to pass away was 2017

For MHS 62 the last teacher to pass away was 2024

Little change in Wickersham teachers between 60, 61 and 62

Years 1 thru 5 amounted to 900 days

MHS 60 teachers will soon be posted in 60' Message Forum



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MHS 1948

MHS 1955

MHS 1960

MHS 1962

MHS 1963

MHS 1965

MHS 1966

MHS 1967

MHS 1968

MHS 1973

MHS 1974


Jay L Frazier Scholarship Fund


 McPherson Library

McPherson High School Football - 1910 to Present


 Activities for Saturday May 14, 2022

10:AM For Carpool leaving from Best Western Plus

1) Guided tour of the Maxwell Game preserve. The fee has been increased to $15. The address is: 2565 Pueblo Rd, Canton Ks.  Participants will provide their own transportation. You must be at the Maxwell location by 10:45 AM to sign in


2) Classmate remembrance at the McPherson Cemetery. Flags will be on classmate graves with handout on all known classmate grave locations.

1st Trolley1:00-2:00 PM ------- 2nd Trolley 2:00-3:00 PM

3) A Trolley tour of McPherson’s Murals, a Drag of Main, and the refurbished Community Building.  Tour 1 at 1 p.m. & Tour 2 at 2 p.m. This will begin and end at the McPherson Museum, 1111 E. Kansas Ave. Highly recommended. A handout of central McPherson businesses in1954 will be available on the trolley, Please be on your assigned trolley.

3:00-5:00 PM

4) The McPherson Middle School will be open for classmates to visit informally.

5:45 PM  -- (6 PM SHARP PICTURE) on stage of the Opera House

6 PM to 10 PM   Class Banquet at the Opera House

10 PM   Closing - Class of 1961 McPherson High School